What’s this newsletter all about?
It’s our way of keeping our most popular and influential articles in the spotlight. When you subscribe, you’ll receive our biweekly MiddleWeb Substack email and gain access to past issues. Paid subscribers also receive the full text of an article once a week from our most-read collection. Your financial support helps us keep MiddleWeb alive and thriving as the #1 outlet for middle grades educator voices.
Twice each month we tap into our archives and feature one or two timely topics that our middle grades writers have explored, with links to their MiddleWeb.com posts. We also highlight a recent PD book review. Our ELSEWHERE entry points to a useful resource we’ve discovered outside of MiddleWeb that might spark an idea for your classroom or school. That’s it. A free five-minute read. See our archive for examples.
All our 3600+ articles and reviews are written by fellow educators for our audience of middle grades (4-8) teachers and school leaders. Issues of MiddleWeb Substack include topics like engagement, motivation, teaching strategies, ways to deepen learning, effective classroom management, assessing prior knowledge, and having some classroom fun! And that’s only the beginning. (Occasionally, we have special single-topic editions, like The Engagement Issue and The Book Review Issue. )
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What Supporters Say about MiddleWeb and Substack
“I am an avid reader of MIddleWeb but too often I miss important articles as I hurriedly make it through my email. I am thrilled to now have the addition of MiddleWeb Substack to help me dive deeper into important topics by grouping articles on the same idea together. I’m even enjoying rereading articles I had bookmarked for a future review. This is a great way to review current issues relating to middle level teaching and learning.” – Dr. Debbie Silver, international author, speaker and evangelist for positive education.
“MiddleWeb Substack is a great addition to MiddleWeb.com, the best site I know for educators who care about connecting with tweens and young adolescents. From book reviews to current trends to ‘What can I do tomorrow in class?’ – this is your place.” – Sarah Cooper, 8th Grade History and Language Arts Teacher and Associate Head of School, LaCañada, CA.
“Middleweb is a gem. It is diverse, on point, and practitioners will find so many resources and insights that are spot on for middle level educators. If you want to know what is going on in middle schools, look no further!” – Amber Chandler, middle school teacher, author, union president and 2018 AMLE National Educator of the Year.
“You don’t have to be a middle school educator to love this outstanding resource! Full of great, workable ideas that can be applied to teaching and learning at all levels. Engaging, inspiring, and a pleasure to read!” – Regie Routman, literacy educator and author, Seattle WA.
As a middle school reading intervention teacher, I find MiddleWeb’s resources incredibly valuable. The focus on practical strategies and the understanding of middle school dynamics really resonate with my experiences. I especially appreciate the tips on engaging students at this critical stage, where reading skills are so essential for their future success. – Literacy teacher Matthew Kinney.
"Middle school education and the voices of middle school educators are important! This authentic resource needs to continue." – Ariel Sacks, 8th grade teacher, author and literacy coach, New York City.
“I’m a long time friend and supporter of MiddleWeb as a teacher, consultant, and writer. In love with middle level kids and STEM education!” – Anne Jolly, author, science educator and former Alabama State Teacher of the Year.
“MiddleWeb is the number one resource for middle level educators. I not only write for it, I also use it as one of my top resources when I'm writing my books.” – Barbara Blackburn, Ph.D., Top 10 Global Guru in Education, author of over 30 books, and international consultant.
"Middleweb is one of those under-discovered internet treasures for middle grades educators. If you are not following this tremendously valuable resource, you're really missing out." – Frank Baker, media literacy education consultant.
"MiddleWeb is an amazing resource. It offers timely, insightful, practical, helpful strategies and ideas for teachers."– Lauren Davis, Publisher, PreK-12 Education, Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
“It is a pleasure to write for the MiddleWeb community and be featured in their Substack newsletter. If you're not familiar with MiddleWeb.com, head to their website for insightful, actionable, and real teacher tips! Thanks for creating a place where teachers can go for high quality content.” – Mona Iehl, math teacher and coach, Chicago, IL.